There are three types of regenerative neighborhood realtors. The (1) first is the one that lives or wants to live in a regenerative neighborhood and the (2) second type is the realtor that has experience dealing with the needs and preferences of regenerative land and home seekers, and the (3) third type of realtor is a realtor listing land or homes that can be turned into or already are regenerative neighborhoods.

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  1. Realtors who want to live in a regenerative neighborhood should consider signing up as a land seeker or home seeker.
  2. Realtors who live in a regenerative neighborhood or know of regenerative neighborhoods should consider signing up the neighborhood as a regenerative neighborhood. [signup neighborhood]
  3. Realtors who have experience dealing with the needs and preferences of regenerative land or home seekers should signup as an experienced regenerative neighborhood realtor. You will be asked a few questions. There is no fee for this service.
  4. Realtors who have listings of land or homes that can be turned into or already are regenerative neighborhoods should enter the listing information