Who We Are

This desire has been simmering for a while in me and when all the changes came in 2020 and from listening to a few friends I realized some of the changes I needed and wanted to make to rebuild a better life for me and my family. After we became empty nesters, we wanted to downsize our house and I wanted to live in a regenerative neighborhood that has lots of small farms, animals, and a few ponds. So, I was on this journey and trying to learn and plan and figure.

One day I was listening to one of my new friends and he was encouraging folks to get out of the city and not live in an HOA, because of all HOA control freaks (HOA Nazis).

So, I did my best to influence my wife with this idea and she was trying to make it work out in her head and a few days later we went walking and she told me that she was not okay with no HOA, since she wanted someone besides her to tell me to keep the yard tidy. She did not want that job.


So, I thought about it and came up with the idea of finding some fellow regenerative land seekers and coming up with our own HOA. We could promote the ideas behind our own HOA, it would have a structure and guidelines to keep the ideals of the neighborhood.

So that is how this idea and website came to be, I needed to find other fellow regenerative neighborhood homies. And if one of these is a good thing than a bunch of these all over the country and world would probably be better. I am on the journey still and hopefully this idea will bring many people together what are wanting to build a better life and they can do it together and build friendships and resiliency along the way.
